A quick guide to market engagement sessions

Early market engagement provides an excellent opportunity to understand client strategies and gain insight into the aims and objectives of a procurement. It also provides an opportunity to raise concerns, discuss challenges, influence procurement decisions and support you in making an informed decision.

We understand early market engagement sessions are often under-utilised by businesses, due to a lack of experience and understanding. That’s why we’ve developed a helpful guide to provide insight on exactly what early market engagement is, and how to make the most of it.

What is early market engagement?

Early Market Engagement provides an opportunity for clients to engage with potential suppliers, before procurement. It provides suppliers with the opportunity to both inform the specification and to determine if the opportunity is viable.

What are the benefits?

Early Market Engagement provides several advantages:

  • Increases understanding of upcoming opportunities.

  • Enables you to raise any initial concerns and discuss important issues relating to the procurement.

  • Provides an opportunity to inform the specification, pricing schedules, scoring and form of contracts.

How to make the most out of your sessions

  • Thoroughly review the opportunity, identifying any issues or challenges that can be raised during the Q&A session.

  • Listen and engage in supplier discussions. Note down any questions or concerns your competitors have, to identify themes.

  • Request the slides on completion and share notes with your bid team.


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